Bonnie Lane, Monsters (girl), 2014, HD video projection and PVC vinyl, 300 x 90 x 100cm
Los Angeles-based Bonnie Lane returns to her hometown of Melbourne for a new solo exhibition. Lane’s newest exhibition Monsters will be a series of video works that splice together segments of the human body to form bizarre creatures. These monstrous beings, with their fragmented and contorted flesh, are manifestations of the darker parts of our subconscious, our private desires and most secret thoughts. From their starting point as simple paper collages, Lane has developed these Monsters into almost living creatures that will make one overly aware of their own body as they navigate the exhibition and interact with these strange yet seductive beings.
Lane’s intimate video installations generate an emotional connection with the audience by creating immersive environments to be stepped into, which alter ones perception of time and space. Combining horror with the sublime, Lane’s practice addresses anxiety, fear, loss, memory, and disappointment whilst searching for comfort, connection, and resolution. This exhibition will follow on from the success of Lane’s 2012 solo exhibition at Anna Pappas Gallery, Make Believe. The key kaleidoscopic video work from this exhibition was widely acclaimed and as such was chosen for the curated exhibition Art Athina Contemporaries: Paradise Lost (Art Athina Contemporary Art Fair, Athens, Greece, 2013), was a finalist in the prestigious Guirguis New Art Prize (Art Gallery of Ballarat, Victoria, 2013) and is currently on an international tour in Asialink’s Vertigo exhibition, curated by Claire Anna Watson.