Marc Standing, Icon 2, 70 x 40 x 15cm, mixed media sculptur
Opening Night: Friday, Sep 2, 6-8pm
Standing’s latest series The Oracles represents a departure from his more introspective search for identity in order to position himself within humankind’s age-old search for enlightenment. Each painting depicts a mythical world inhabited by transcendental beings and sacred artefacts yet grounded in the familiar patterns of nature. Hoodled figures rise up from the luscious undergrowth of the island while disembodied faces appear within a patchwork of pastel geometries and rocky outcrops. Through this complex layering of other-worldly textures and images Standing creates an isle of solitude and contemplation. Like the Oracles, Standing is motivated to create art as a means of revealing a “hidden knowledge” that inspires a more ethical and harmonious way of life.
Marc Standing holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honors) from the University of Cape Town, South Africa. His works have been shown extensively throughout Australia and have also been included in prominent Australian art prizes, as well as a commission work for The Groucho Club in London, a nominee for the Sovereign Asian Art Prize, and acquired by Artbank in Australia. His work has also been exhibited in New York, London, Holland, Hong Kong, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Standing has recently returned to Australia after several years living and working in Hong Kong.